22-23 End of year impact report FINAL - Flipbook - Page 5
demographic representation in all 115 of NC’s school districts. A summary of this data was featured in an op-ed by our Spring
intern. It will also culminate in the launch of an online tool later this Fall. It’s the only demographic analysis of local boards in
the state! Additionally, CREED serves as one of the three anchor organizations of the Honest Education Action Leadership
(HEAL) Together NC coalition. HEAL is a national initiative by Race Forward to advance statewide organizing that pushes
back against harmful attacks on public education. We’re working to change the tide in the state through the Public Schools
Strong Campaign. The campaign is engaging parents, students, and teachers in the 昀椀ght for fully-funded schools, as well as
honest, inclusive, and accurate content.
As you can see, we've been busy, but we are not aimless. We've got a plan! We spent the last year working with consultant
Joy Bronson from Vision Justice to develop our 5-Year Strategic Planning Guide. We laid out our three organizational goals
and 昀椀ve strategic priorities. This document was produced after much review and stakeholder engagement. Although not
static, it serves as our North Star as we navigate toward true liberation for all students. We are proud of what we have done
within the last year, but have so much further to go.
Organizations like CREED are needed to stand on the front lines, speaking truth to power and providing knowledge to
the curious. Consider becoming a continual supporter by making an annual recurring contribution to our work. Share our
materials, participate in our programming, become a volunteer, or even buy some merch. We welcome you as our extended
family as we continue to chart a path toward racial equity in education! Don't give up the 昀椀ght!
Yours in equity,
Dr. James E. Ford