22-23 End of year impact report FINAL - Flipbook - Page 16
Legislative Progress Report
In Spring 2023, CREED released a Legislative Progress Report, updating our partners on happenings in North Carolina legislature. The
LPR provided partners with information about various bills that were developing through the state House and Senate, including SB 406/
HB 823, HB 187, and HB 188.
Senate Bill 406/House Bill 823 would expand the North Carolina school vouchers program (a.k.a. "Opportunity
Scholarships") to anyone instead of just families with low incomes who are currently eligible for the program. These bills
would funnel millions of dollars away from public schools that are already underfunded in order to give a tuition discount
to private school parents.
House Bill 187 would discourage educators from teaching honest American History. The bill would also deputize
random internet extremists to harass teachers over instructional materials that would have to be posted online. One of
the most dangerous provisions of the bill would discourage school districts from hiring educators who have expressed
opinions about social justice online in the past.
House Bill 188 would eliminate guidance for educators about what constitutes a serious discipline issue in schools.
Currently, dress code violations and inappropriate language are considered minor o昀昀enses and would not result in a
long-term suspension. Without this guidance, students of color, girls, and LGBTQ+ students would likely be targeted
for additional punishment.
As part of the LPR, we encourage our partners to act on the information we provided by emailing, calling, or even tweeting North
Carolina's policymakers.
Youth Leadership Summit
CREED began Summer 2023 with our 昀椀rst Youth Leadership Summit. The event was a halfday summit for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools who were
concerned about the state of schools and committed to advancing educational and racial equity.
It was an opportunity for students to discuss education equity and the role of race and geography
in education.
The summit also served as a kicko昀昀 for our new program, the Leaders of Equity, Advocacy, and
Diversity in Education (LEAD) Fellowship, which will develop more throughout the next year.