22-23 End of year impact report FINAL - Flipbook - Page 13
Community Conversations
At the beginning of the year, we began a new program called #TeachinginColor Community Conversations. Members of the #TiC
Community had access to this monthly conversation with fellow educators of color. These virtual gatherings are a chance for the
community to check in with each other and discuss important topics. We held 9 conversations this year, representation in the classroom,
teacher wish lists, and self care were all topics discussed with our community of educators.
#TeachinginColor Summit & Fests
We had the opportunity to gather educators of color in person twice this year, once at a regional event in Charlotte and once at a statewide event in Durham. We joined 107 educators and community members for celebrations with presentations, storytelling, music, food,
and giveaways.
April's #TeachinginColor Summit in Durham featured a keynote by Winston-Salem State University's Dr. Anthony Graham, as well as
presentation by LatinxEd, Village of Wisdom, and more. Afterwards, we enjoyed a lively Fest MC'd by Ohavia Phillips, with live painting,
food trucks and the sounds of Destiny Stone and Flowessence.