Impact Report SPREADS 121223 - Flipbook - Page 29
Mentoring in Action
Cran昀椀eld Trust volunteer, Christopher added:
“It has been enjoyable and rewarding to work
alongside the CEO of a small charity that
makes a substantive difference to some of the
most marginalised people in our society. By
using my skills to support him as he addresses
his challenges, I feel I have helped to make a
difference for the people his charity supports.”
Lewisham Speaking Up
“The mentoring has given me greater knowledge
and con昀椀dence, which has bene昀椀tted the
organisation as a whole. The mentoring came
at a very challenging time: post-Covid followed
by a cost of living crisis and funding dif昀椀culties.
The mentor was very effective in supporting
me through these challenges, which has given
greater resilience to the organisation overall.”