Impact Report SPREADS 121223 - Flipbook - Page 18
Journey to Excellence (J2E) is
our unique evaluation and impact
measurement framework and has
been speci昀椀cally designed to help
charity clients to focus on their
development needs.
The J2E framework helps charities to identify
management strengths and areas for development
through working with Cran昀椀eld Trust on their journey
to excellent performance. It is an integral part of our
consultancy and is used to evaluate the impact of
our consultancy support.
Journey to Excellence
Consultancy Impact
Each charity starts its development journey at a
different point, we do not select charities with high
potential for development, but seek to support all
our client charities to address their particular issues.
Charities rate their own con昀椀dence and capability,
in a structured conversation with a Cran昀椀eld Trust
Regional Manager, and many charities use their
J2Es as the basis for discussions with their Boards
and teams. Completing the J2E again after the
project has concluded allows each charity to
celebrate its successes and consider the next steps
in its development. Charities give us very positive
feedback on J2E, they 昀椀nd it valuable in assessing
their development needs over time, and in actionoriented discussions with Cran昀椀eld Trust Regional
J2E is particularly useful for individual charities,
but we also aggregate information across all our
consultancy projects, covering all areas of support.
J2Es completed in the 2022-23 year
Overall, our clients improved their performance by
an average of 19% as a result of the support they
received through our consultancy services, up from
15% last year.
77% of the completed J2Es related to consultancy
projects in the leadership and strategic direction
area. Project duration ranged from 2 to 22 months,
with an average of just over 11 months.