CFBS Complete MRO Business Solution VIDEOS - Flipbook - Page 8
ProMRO Operational Efficiencies
Service Projects offer Complete Transparency
and Increased Teamwork
A quote can be transformed into a Project which
provides unparalleled transparency to both the
shop floor and the customer. The shop floor will
know what was sold and what needs to be
accomplished by having clearly defined tasks to be
followed within a Project.
The project will capture and track all activity
enabling you to monitor the budget in real-time.
Activities can include labor, materials, and
miscellaneous expenses. Dashboards help you
identify problems quickly which will help prevent
the end of job surprises.
All required tasks, time estimates, and actuals are
clearly visible. You will be able to easily identify
whether a task was started, how long was spent
on it, who charged the time, and when.