2023 Annual Report - Flipbook - Page 8
Credit Union Annual Report 2023
Service Experience
Our members primarily reach us in the branch rather than through
available digital channels. Member feedback has traditionally
been from those members who frequently use our service. At the
beginning of the 昀椀nancial year, feedback was mainly received
from member surveys and through our feedback email set up for
this purpose. In April 2023, Happy or Not machines were placed
in the main lobbies in our Grand Cayman branch to replace emails
and capture member feedback immediately after receiving the
service. These provide daily feedback to our teams on the level of
satisfaction with our service.
The trust and con昀椀dence placed in us, being a member-owned
co-operative, is not something we take lightly, and ensuring a
consistently high level of member satisfaction is critical to ensure
this trust is not eroded. In February 2023, we conducted the 昀椀rst
complete member satisfaction and awareness survey. We are
pleased that we registered a Member Satisfaction Score this
year of 88 per cent. We will conduct annual surveys to gauge our
progress with your feedback.
Despite the con昀椀dence placed in us as re昀氀ected in the
membership growth and attainment of our benchmark member
satisfaction score, we know from the reports received that we
have not provided as consistent a member experience as we
would have liked during the reporting period. There have been
reported challenges with our branch wait times, our loan
turnaround times and generally our consistent delivery of the
quality of service in the branches and across our other channels.
This area of quality service delivery continues to capture our
attention as we engage with management to determine and
address the root causes of the challenges being encountered.
Our plans to open a new branch in Country Corner Plaza in
Savannah are expected to be realised in December, pending
completion of the 昀椀t-out.
Some areas of our digital experience are not as advanced as we
and our members would like. We are implementing a document
management system, and as such, we expect that in early 2024,
applications for new accounts and loans will be made via an
online process.
The trust and con昀椀dence placed in us,
being a member-owned co-operative, is
not something we take lightly, and
ensuring a consistently high level of
member satisfaction is critical to ensure
this trust is not eroded.