Chapter One Impact Report 2022-23 - Flipbook - Page 33
All evaluation methods used in 2022-23 were
designed and implemented by ImpactEd. We used a
combination of both quantitative and qualitative
methods, using the following data sources:
Quantitative data sources:
Pre- and post-intervention reading attainment data
(reading bands 1 - 9) from Chapter One9s platform
about participating pupils (n = 2110).
Pre- and post-intervention teacher survey responses
(n = 251) from a randomised sample of schools
measuring change in pupil reading attainment in
relation to expected level (below, at or above
Qualitative data sources:
Thematic analysis of six short interviews with
teachers and one focus group of two teachers.
Post-intervention teacher surveys (n = 83), gathering
their experiences of the reading programme and
their perspectives on pupil progress in reading
attainment and changes in relation to pupil reading
confidence, motivation and enjoyment.
Post-intervention volunteer surveys (n = 673)
exploring their experiences of the
programme/volunteering and their perceptions of
the benefits of the reading programme for children
and on volunteering for themselves.
Pre- and post-intervention teacher survey responses
(n =252) from a randomised sample of schools
measuring change in pupil reading behaviours, using
an adapted, validated reading behaviours scale,
assessing self-efficacy in relation to reading. This
scale was divided into two subscales: cognitive
(technical reading skills such as 8the child can
recognise sight words9 and non-cognitive aspects
(confidence, motivation, engagement/enjoyment,
such as 8the child initiates choosing new books9).
2022-23 Impact Report: Appendix