SuperStore4200 N. Port Washington RoadMilwaukee, WI 53212414-967-4333(800) BOELTERSCAN FOR MORE!boelter.comAllow 3-52-4 weeks delivery on special order items.Every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of all data containedin this publication, however, we cannot assume responsibility for errorsor omissions.Non-stock items purchased in less than case pack may incur anadditional charge. All materials are F.O.B. Factory.UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE, ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD BY EACH.NEWSCAN MEHeated Deli Display CasesSERVEImprove product visibility and keep your hot food products deliciously warm.The precise temperature controls keep your food products looking andtasting fresh, while the thick glass ensures excellent insulation. Inside LEDlighting at the top and at each shelf creates an optimum food display area.Fans circulate air throughout to ensure even temperatures. Argon-filled andsealed, double-pane, low-emissivity coated glass provides strength andenergy efficiency. 104° to 165°F temperature range allows product flexibility.Case can also be used as an ambient display for even more versatility.Curved GlassCubed GlassHDCCV-3636"wHDCCB-3636"wHDCCV-4848"wHDCCB-4848"wHDCCV-6060"wHDCCB-6060"wHot Food MerchandisersSERVEVariable heat control with humidity keeps food at the righttemperature. Three adjustable tiered shelves accommodate andattractively merchandise an endless variety of food products.Humidifying system keeps food looking fresh longer. Optionaldoor lock and single panel front glass available. LED lighting canbe used when heat is on or off.HFM-2626"wHFM-3636"wHFM-4848"wSCAN ME
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