CAMSHELVING® ULTIMATESHEET PAN RACKS• Made from composite plastic materials that arevirtually unbreakable, non-rusting and non-corrosive• Every part is replaceable, ensuring a lifetime ofservice without dents, cracks, or missing pieces• End load design• Temperature range: -36° to 190°F• Heat-tolerant molded-in rails can accept a sheet panout of a 350°F oven• Ships knockdown with minimal assembly required–factory assembled units also available• All casters are cooler safe, plastic casters can alsobe used in freezers and blast chillers• Lifetime warranty against rust and corrosion3" Rail Spacing, Metal CastersUPR1826F20580UPR1826H12580UPR1826U8580Full Size, 321⁄16" x 251⁄2" x 713⁄8"Half Size, 321⁄16" x 251⁄2" x 471⁄2"Undercounter, 307⁄8" x 231⁄4" x 331⁄8"18" x 26"Pan Capacity201283" Rail Spacing, Plastic CastersUPR1826FP20580UPR1826HP12580Full Size, 333⁄8" x 2513⁄32" x 715⁄8"Half Size, 333⁄8" x 257⁄16" x 473⁄4"201211⁄2" Rail Spacing, Metal CastersUPR1826F40580UPR1826H20580UPR1826U15580Full Size, 321⁄16" x 251⁄2" x 713⁄8"Half Size, 321⁄16" x 251⁄2" x 411⁄2"Undercounter, 307⁄8" x 231⁄4" x 311⁄2"40201511⁄2" Rail Spacing, Plastic CastersUPR1826FP40580UPR1826HP20580AGAINSTRUST ANDCORROSION6Full Size, 333⁄8" x 2513⁄32" x 715⁄8"Half Size, 321⁄16" x 251⁄2" x 411⁄2"4020
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