Verdex Enrollment - Web Book - Ready - Flipbook - Page 22
Investment Election/Change Form
Verdex Construction, LLC
1545 Centrepark Drive
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Certified Benefits Corp
1111 Douglas Avenue
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714
SECTION 1: Investment Option Election – this investment election will be applied to all contribution types.
You may select from the following list of Model Investment Portfolios, Target Date Funds or Mutual Funds.
Future Contributions
Existing account balance
Percentage to be
Model Investment Portfolios
Both Future and Current
Additional Investment Options:
AB Large Cap Growth I – ALLIX
Percentage to be
Moderately Conservative
Cohen & Steers Instl Realty Shares - CSRIX
DFA International Small Company I - DFISX
Moderately Aggressive
Dodge & Cox Global Bnd Fnd Cl I - DODLX
Target Date Funds
Vanguard Target Retirement Inc Inv - VTINX
Vanguard Target Retirement 2020 - VTWNX
Vanguard Target Retirement 2025 - VTTVX
Vanguard Target Retirement 2030 - VTHRX
Fidelity Advisor Intl Capital App Z - FIDZX
Fidelity Advisor Intl Sm Cp Opps I - FOPIX
Fidelity 500 Idx Institutional Prem - FXAIX
JPMorgan Mid Cap Growth Fund- JMGMX
Invesco Oppenheimer Discovery R6 - ODIIX
Putnam Equity Income Y - PEIYX
PGIM High-Yield R6 – PHYQX
Vanguard Target Retirement 2035 - VTTHX
PIMCO Income Instl – PIMIX
Vanguard Target Retirement 2040 - VFORX
Invesco Stable Value Trust I - QJQKQ
Vanguard Target Retirement 2045 - VTIVX
Amer Funds Bnd Fund of Amer R6 - RBFGX
Vanguard Target Retirement 2050 - VFIFX
Columbia Floating Rate Inst2 - RFRFX
Vanguard Target Retirement 2055 - VFFVX
American Funds New Persp R6 - RNPGX
Vanguard Target Retirement 2060 - VTTSX
Vanguard Federal MM Fund - VMFXX
Vanguard Target Retirement 2065 - VLXVX
Vanguard Materials Index Admiral - VMIAX
Vanguard Mid-Cap Val Idx Adm - VMVAX
Vanguard Short-Tm Treas Indx Fnd - VSBSX
Vanguard Sm Cap Value Index Fund- VSIAX
Vanguard International Value Fund- VTRIX
Automated Investment Strategies – (To be used only if more than one investment option is chosen.) Please choose
one of the following options (if no selection is made and more than one investment option is chosen above, the
account will be rebalanced annually). Please note that rebalancing will occur only if the initial allocation changes
by two percentage points or more.
❑ Do Not Rebalance
❑ Monthly
❑ Quarterly
❑ Semi-Annually
❑ Annually
SECTION 2: Signature – Review to make sure that you have completed each section fully. Please return this form
to your employer.
Employee Name (printed):______________________________________ SSN: ___________________________
Employee Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Employer Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Special 404 (c) Regulations Section and Notice of Limited Liability. This plan intends to comply with ERISA 404 (c) and Title 29 of CFR 2550.404 c-1. Plan Fiduciaries may be relieved of liability for any
losses that may result from participant’s investment instruction.