ACCESS TO YOUR MONEYPLAN HIGHLIGHTSCan I take money out of my account?The federal government established qualified retirement plans to help youprepare for retirement. For that reason, there are certain restrictionsregarding withdrawals and distributions. Remember to consider the tax andlong-term savings implications of taking money out of your account,especially those prior to age 59 ½. You may be able to withdraw money inthese events:• Immediately after your employment terminates• Normal Retirement Age 65 - Even if you are still working• Hardship (limited accounts)• In-service – after reaching age 59 ½,• From the Rollover Contribution Account at any time• Qualified birth or adoption distribution• Death-Your balance will be paid to your designated beneficiary(ies)Generally, distributions must begin after you reach age 73 if you haveterminated employment.Can I borrow money from my account?Under certain circumstances, you may borrow from your account. The loanamount is usually limited to a maximum of 50% of your vested accountbalance, up to a maximum of $50,000. Although you are borrowing from andrepaying yourself with interest, consider the long-term impact of borrowingagainst your future. The minimum loan amount is $1,000 and the maximumnumber of loans outstanding is 1.What if I leave The Rock of Central Florida, Inc.?You generally have several options:You can roll over your balance into an IRA or a new employer Plan, if allowed,and keep the money tax deferred.If your vested balance exceeds $5,000, you can leave your money in the Plantax deferred.You may receive the vested balance in cash. You will be responsible forpaying taxes and other penalties that may apply. Note that 20% of yourtaxable distribution will be withheld for income tax purposes.Page 5
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