Investment FactsheetInv. Data as of 07/31/23.VANGUARD FEDERAL MONEY MARKET INVESTORMANAGERS(S)LaniusVMFXXMONEY MARKET TAXABLEMFINCEPTION DATEProduct: 7/13/1981 Share Class: 7/13/1981PRODUCT ASSETS ($MM)Product: 252293.28 MillionLONGEST MANAGER TENURE15.59 YearsFi360 FIDUCIARY SCORE®SCOREBENCHMARK LEGENDHISTORICAL Fi360 FIDUCIARY SCORES AT QUARTER END00528PEERS2550750Best-fit Index:-VOLATILITY METRICS50Standard Deviation100SHORTFALL00000000000000000000Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q218 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 230 POINTS0 PERCENTILE5 YR ROLLING AVG: 0CRITERIAINVESTMENTManager Tenure (longest)Product AssetsExpense RatioAlpha (3yr)Sharpe (3yr)1yr Total Return3yr Total Return5yr Total Return15.59 Years252,293.28 Million0.11% (4th percentile)N/A-3.41% (37th percentile)4.08% (4th percentile)1.45% (5th percentile)1.56% (3rd percentile)3 YR ROLLING AVG: 0SHORTFALL1 YR R. AVG: 094 (499 Peers)0.46Sharpe RatioRANKVALUE3 YR37 (525 Peers)-3.415 YR5 (499 Peers)-2.03Measured Against Broad Index Benchmark3 MOYTD1 YR3 YR5 YR10 YR0.430.431.281.282.792.794.084.081.451.451.561.560.990.992.62-45743.81-55261.32-35011.37-23870.79-1.2-0.565 YRAlpha1 MO0.39-VALUE85 (525 Peers)MPT STATISTICS>= 2 Years>= 75 MillionTop 75% of peer groupTop 50% of peer groupTop 50% of peer groupTop 50% of peer groupTop 50% of peer groupTop 50% of peer groupPERFORMANCETotal Return (no load)Total Return (with load)RANK3 YRMINIMUM CRITERIAThe Fi360 Fiduciary Score® is a peer percentile ranking of an investment against a set of quantitative duediligence criteria selected to reflect prudent fiduciary management. The Fi360 Fiduciary Score® Average is aone-, three-, five-, or ten-year rolling average of an investment’s Fi360 Fiduciary Score®. All Scores are colorcoded based on the quartile they fall in (1st - Green; 2nd - Light Green; 3rd - Yellow; 4th - Red). The compositionand style criteria may be excluded in the table above due to the investment’s peer group. Investments withoutthe required inception date (3 years) will not receive a Fiduciary Score.Percentile RankNumber of PeersPeer Group Median+/- Best Fit IndexUSTREAS T-Bill Auction Ave 3Mon2575100Broad Index:Mutual funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are sold by prospectus. Please consider the investmentobjectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. The prospectus, and, if available, thesummary prospectus, which contains this and other information, can be obtained by calling your financialadvisor. Read the prospectus and, if available, the summary prospectus carefully before you invest. Theperformance information shown represents past performance and is not a guarantee of future results.Investment returns and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that when shares are redeemed, theymay be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be higher or lower than the datashown. For the most recent month-end performance and information on expenses, Percentile ranks calculated by Fi360, are based on the return shown compared to peergroup (1 = top rank), do not account for sales charges, and are not provided for periods under a year.RANKVALUE3 YR--5 YR--RANKVALUE--R-Squared3 YR5 YRBeta3 YR5 YR--Measured Against Best-Fit Index3 YRALPHAR-SQUAREDBETA-0.0593.151.08EXPENSESNet Expense RatioGross Expense RatioManagement FeeInitial InvestmentInvestment and Insurance Products: NOT FDIC Insured / NO Bank Guarantee / MAY Lose ValuePlease see important disclosures in the Statement of Additional Disclosures. © 2023, Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. The analysisand opinions generated by Broadridge and its affiliates do not constitute professional investment advice and are provided solely for informational purposes.,000
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