Determine Your Investment ProfileTime Horizon, Investment Objectives and Risk ToleranceMaking investment decisions is never easy, whether you are an experienced investor or someone just starting out. Your investmentstrategy requires that you make decisions about how your assets will be invested. A significant amount of your retirement income andsecurity may depend on the savings you accumulate outside your retirement plan. The following questionnaire is provided to assist youin determining your “investment profile”. You may use it as a tool for deciding how much return you desire and how much risk you arewilling to take to achieve the return and growth of savings.1.To obtain above-average returnson my investments, I am willingto accept above- average risk ofinvestment loss.3.Points:135792.5.Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreePoints:135794.Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeI do not plan on withdrawing myretirement money for majorexpenses before I retire.Points:Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree13579Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeI consider myself knowledgeableabout economic issues andpersonal investing.Points:Points:Staying ahead of inflation ismore important to me thanlosing money in any one year.13579If an investment loses moneyover the course of a year, I caneasily resist the temptation tosell it.135796.Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly AgreeWhen do you expect to retire?Points:13579Less than 5 years5 – 10 years10 – 15 years15 – 20 yearsMore than 20 yearsAdd up your score from the questions.Total Points = _________Your investor profile as defined from yourtotal point score is as follows:11 or below12 – 2223 – 3334 – 4445 and aboveConservativeModerately ConservativeModerateModerately AggressiveAggressiveEmployee Name _____________________
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