ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONERISA Section 404(c)PLAN HIGHLIGHTSThe Shubin Law Group 401(k) Plan is designed to comply with Section404(c) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), asamended. Participants in the Plan manage their own investment accountsby directing account contributions to one or more of the investmentalternatives provided by the Plan. As a plan participant, you will beresponsible for your own investment directions. Plan fiduciaries may berelieved of liability for any losses in your account that can be attributed todecisions made by you or your beneficiary(ies).Shubin Law Group, P.A. is the Plan administrator of the Shubin Law Group401(k) Plan and is the Plan fiduciary. At your request, you may receivespecific information about the Plan’s investment alternatives, including adescription of annual operating expenses; copies of any prospectuses,financial statements and reports; and details about the value, historicalperformance and portfolio composition of each investment alternative.Note: The Plan Highlights section of the booklet is intended to provide an overview of the Shubin Law Group401(k) Plan It is not a legal document. For more detailed information, refer to your Summary PlanDescription. If you do not have a copy of this document, please request one from your human resourcesrepresentative. If information in this Plan Highlights booklet or the Summary Plan Description is inconsistentwith plan requirements, the Plan Document shall govern.Page 6
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