SHUBIN LAW GROUP 401(k) PLANMODEL INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOSas of May 31, 2024Ultra ConservativeFidelity U.S. Bond IndexVanguard Short-Term TreasuryConservative Growth75%25%Fidelity International IndexFidelity U.S. Bond IndexSchwab Total Stock Market InVanguard Emerging Mkts StoVanguard Short-Term TreasuVanguard Small Cap Value Inde100502525Balanced Growth10%47%17%3%15%8%Fidelity International IndexFidelity U.S. Bond IndexSchwab Total Stock Market IndexVanguard Emerging Mkts Stock IdVanguard Short-Term Treasury IdVanguard Small Cap Value Index25252525Moderate Growth16%29%28%4%10%13%Fidelity International IndexFidelity U.S. Bond IndexSchwab Total Stock Market InVanguard Emerging Mkts StocVanguard Short-Term TreasurVanguard Small Cap Value Ind2020202020Max Growth19%21%32%6%7%15%Fidelity International IndexSchwab Total Stock Market InVanguard Emerging Mkts StoVanguard Small Cap Value In26%46%8%20%2020202020Sample employee model portfolios are intended to illustrate various asset allocations available. These models and allocations are as of the date shown. Each model is rebalanced quarterly and funds may be replaced ifthey fail to meet the criteria outlined in the plan’s investment policy statement . Investment allocations to the various asset classes will change over time. There are no sales charges or transaction charges for any of thefunds in your plan.
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