AHA Link-2024-2 July-August - Flipbook - Page 7
How to reach the shortlist: ten top tips
Over the years, the Chamberlain Dunn team have seen thousands of awards entries and watched hundreds of
judges at work. Here we pass on a few good ideas to help ensure that your entry gets noticed and you make it
to the final judging.
Choose your project with care. It may be too
early to go with the project that is currently
engaging you. An older, more established one might
have fuller evaluation and proof of sustainability.
Which category? The general categories attract
the most entries so have a look carefully at the
more specific awards to see if your work might fit.
You will have a better chance of being shortlisted.
Involve the whole team. The judges love
multidisciplinary working, clever partnerships,
and unusual alliances. It shows you are aware of the
bigger picture.
With the team, do a timeline of what needs to
be done by when so everyone can have their
say, you avoid the last-minute panic and have time
for a final check.
Spend time on your 50-word summary, as
it could be used to illustrate the person or
project, in the Winners’ Guide. It’s first on the list
and vitally important but write it last so that you
can make every word work and spell out precisely
the impact you made.
Polish up the title, brief enough to work as a
title, but long enough to capture what your
project is all about and attract interest.
Answer each question making explicit how
you meet the criteria. Stick to word counts.
Remember the judges have a big job to do – make it
as easy as possible for them.
Tell a good story, avoid jargon, explain
abbreviations, use simple, precise language.
Draft and redraft, let others read and critique it.
Don’t be afraid to admit mistakes, include
lessons learnt, and advice to others wanting to
adopt the project.
Think impact. Define precisely how your
project has the changed the world with,
in particular, its impact on resources. Be sure to
include evidence and metrics in a clear and precise
If you would like to know more about how to do it,
click here for our guide to How to create a winning