AHA Link-2024-2 July-August - Flipbook - Page 4
Welsh Government’s award
for delivering multiprofessional
community services
This award is looking for innovation that increases
community-based services, prevents unnecessary
hospital admissions and/or enables people in hospital in
home to return home safely and quickly.
• Evidence of increased multi-professional working that
delivers better outcomes for people, carers and their
• Evidence of a ‘shift left’, i.e. delivering a greater
proportion of care outside of hospital
• Explicit evidence of improved outcomes and better use
of resources in one or more of the following:
– Diagnostic and assessment provision in localities
– Early intervention and prevention
– Step-up or step-down care to prevent admission
and/or reduce length of hospital stay
• Measurable impact data (both quantitative and
qualitative), e.g. impact on hospital admissions/
discharges, including cost effectiveness
• Evidence that this innovation was developed in line
with sustainability principles and that there has been
consideration for its long-term implementation
The award for outstanding achievement
by an apprentice, support worker or
non-registered technician in an AHP or
healthcare science service
This award is open to apprentices, support workers,
assistants or non-registered technicians working with
allied health professionals or in healthcare science
services. We want to celebrate the positive contribution
that support roles make to patient outcomes and the
teams they work in.
Have you changed how you do things and has this made
a difference to the quality of life of your patients? Have
you implemented a sustainable change that has made
an impact in your team? Or perhaps this describes
someone in your team? Nominations are welcomed from
the individual, their team or by a patient, service-user or
• innovation and/or consistent record of high-quality
service delivery
• impact on patient care
• team working and using their own initiative
• expected benefits including improved quality of life
• sustainability and transferability.
3 The Rising Star Award
For this award we are inviting you to nominate a
colleague or member of staff who has shown a level of
initiative, skill and commitment that is truly exceptional.
You may nominate anyone who has been working as a
qualified allied health professional or healthcare scientist
for less than five years, and who you and others recognise
as a star in the making.
This is an open award with no rigid criteria, so tell us
their story. We are looking for people who stand out
from the crowd and have already shown courage in
meeting professional or personal challenges, displaying
determination, creativity, intelligence and bravery;
people who have continued to develop their skills and
evidence-based practice since qualifying and flourished
in whatever setting they have found themselves.
4 Award for the best collaboration
across clinical, academia and industry
Supported by the Health Innovation Network
This award aims to celebrate effective collaborative
working across clinical settings, the academic world and
industry to develop new services or streamline existing
processes for the benefit of patient care. We are looking
for outstanding projects or initiatives covering clinical and
industry, or clinical and academic, or all three sectors;
projects that demonstrate partnership working, bringing
into play the perspectives, expertise and skills that the
different sectors can offer.
It is open to healthcare scientists and AHPs working in
any setting in the UK
• Effective collaboration across service providers,
universities and industry to create new ways of working
• Benefits for service users, services and organisations
including cost effectiveness
• Sustainability and transferability
• Leadership and team working
• Evidence of service user involvement.
5 Award for creative and innovative practice
This award aims to attract entries from AHPs and
healthcare scientists who have put fresh partnerships
and alliances together to tackle new or longstanding
problems in creative ways to make a real, sustainable
impact on service-users and patient care in any setting.
• benefits to service users and services, including cost