Local Dark Money - Flipbook - Page 18
Phoenix Media in Cheyenne was formed in July
2014. The $45,000 in donations to Citizens
Against Taxation from the unidentified Phoenix
Media began in August 2014 and ended in
October 2014.
The Wyoming Phoenix Media’s business
principal, mailing and registered agent are all
listed as Wyomingregisteredagent.com, Inc. In
Wyoming, the level of anonymity permitted for
LLCs is such that you don’t even have to
identify an actual human being with a company
—you can use a website. Delaware oers
similar latitude for those wishing to create a
company and remain anonymous, and funds
from anonymous Delaware corporations have
also found their way into our local elections.
In his article “Out of State Funds Flow into
School Board Race”, Wallace wrote “Not only
are the people behind Phoenix Media LLC
being shielded, but that company is also