Local Dark Money - Flipbook - Page 151
member, chairing her own PAC, accepted
thousands of dollars from a gun shop. Ziegler is
clearly numb to the pain of families who have lost
children to gun violence in schools, and numb to
the anxiety of families over the potential danger of
gun violence in schools.
Mrs. Ziegler hired her husbandÕs Þrm, Christian
ZieglerÕs Microtargeted Media, to do PAC work and
paid him $21,758 for text messages. As Bridget
Ziegler clearly beneÞts from her payments to her
husband, this is important information for the
public to have BEFORE the election. (
Mrs. ZieglerÕs PAC also received a contribution
from School Development HC Finance, a corporate
charter school development corporation.
Approving corporate charter schools is
controversial in Sarasota County. ZieglerÕs
acceptance of money for her PAC from a corporate
charter school aûliate is information the public
needs to have BEFORE the election.