Local Dark Money - Flipbook - Page 139
Like Mast and other candidates, Knight is chairing
his own PAC. The conßict of interest exists and the
same question applies: how will a candidate who is
chairing their own PAC respond to requests from
PAC donors who made contributions well beyond
the now $1000 candidate campaign donation limit?
Adding PAC donations to Knight Fights for South
County, it appears Tom KnightÕs biggest donors
are: Hugh Culverhouse aûliates ($69,000), Mark
OÕHara ($16,000) Chris Brown aûliates ($11,000)
and Fred Starling ($7,500).(
ThereÕs a noteworthy dynamic to the race for the
District 3 County Commission GOP primary. Kurt
Hoûman is the current Sarasota County Sheriû.
Hoûman was hired by Knight to join the Sarasota
County SheriûÕs oûce after Hoûman lost his bid to
become Charlotte County Sheriû in 2004. Knight
mentored Hoûman and when he announced that
he would not be seeking re-election in 2020, he
endorsed Hoûman. Now Hoûman is campaigning
with Neil Rainford and attacking KnightÕs record as