CARGOCONNECT-OCTOBER2024 - Flipbook - Page 51
* Building a Tech-Savvy Culture: For technology
adoption to be successful, it must be embraced
at all levels of the organisation. Companies
should strive to build a tech-savvy culture where
employees are encouraged to experiment with
new tools, share knowledge, and collaborate on
technology-driven projects. This can be achieved
by recognising and rewarding innovation, creating
platforms for knowledge exchange, and fostering
an environment where technology is seen as a
key enabler of success.
* Attracting and Retaining Talent: As the demand
for tech-savvy professionals in the supply chain
industry grows, companies
must focus on attracting and
retaining top talent. This can
be done by o昀昀ering competitive compensation packages,
providing career development
opportunities, and creating
a work environment that
values innovation and continuous learning. Additionally,
companies should promote
diversity and inclusion in their
hiring practices, as diverse
teams bring a wide range of
perspectives and ideas to the
table, driving innovation in
the supply chain.
The integration of technology into the supply chain is no
longer a choice but a necessity
for businesses that want to stay
Today, AI is indispensable, providing
competitive in an increasingly
rapid demand forecasting that outpaces
digital world. For India, a country
traditional human methods. This
with ambitious economic goals
capability substantially enhances
and a rapidly growing consumer
picking efficiency within warehouses
market, the adoption of technoland offers clear visibility into manpower
ogy in supply chain operations is
productivity, ensuring that resources
particularly critical. The bene昀椀ts
are optimally allocated. The evolving
of technology—from increased
landscape of AI in our operations
e昀케ciency and cost reduction to
reflects the growing complexity of
enhanced visibility and customer
meeting customer demands. As the bar
experience—are undeniable.
for delivery times continues to rise, the
However, the journey to a fully
pressure on supply chains to adapt is
digital supply chain is fraught with
immense. It’s not just about fulfilling
challenges, including high initial
orders quickly but doing so in a way
costs, data security concerns, and
that mitigates the losses associated
resistance to change.
with reverse logistics. AI provides the
To overcome these challenges,
tools necessary to anticipate these
businesses must take a strategic
challenges, allowing companies to
approach to technology adoption,
maintain customer satisfaction while
focussing on areas where technology
minimising the financial impact of RTOs.
can add the most value and ensuring
This integration of AI into the supply
that their workforce is equipped
chain is no longer optional—it’s a critical
with the necessary skills to opercomponent of staying competitive in
ate in a tech-driven environment.
today’s market.
Educational institutions also play a
crucial role by incorporating emergDGM– Supply Chain and Operations,
ing technologies into their curricula
Honasa Consumer (Mamaearth)
and preparing the next generation
of supply chain professionals.
In conclusion, the future of the
supply chain lies in technology. By
embracing digital transformation,
businesses can not only optimise
their operations and reduce costs
but also create a more resilient,
transparent, and customer-centric
supply chain. As India continues to
position itself as a global manufacturing and logistics hub, the adoption of technology
in the supply chain will be a key driver of its success
on the world stage.