CARGOCONNECT-MARCH2024 - Flipbook - Page 80
PHDCCI’s Warehousing Logistics Show 2024 underpins
continuous improvement for efficiency gains
HD Chamber of Commerce and Industry
(PHDCCI) organised
the 2024 edition of
Warehousing Logistics Show
from February 22-23, 2024 at
its New Delhi headquarters PHD
House. The two-day conference
brought to light a number of
recommendations that have the
potential to signi昀椀cantly enhance
and improve e昀케ciency and productivity of warehousing and
logistics operations, facilitating
insightful discussions, exchange
of ideas, and collaborative initiatives in fostering stable and
sustainable practices. The session
programmes chaired by industry professionals and domain
experts explored the dynamic
landscape of India’s warehousing
and logistics sector, the current
trends and future trajectories,
and stressed on the need for a
holistic approach that leverages
the synergy of all stakeholders.
During the inaugural session,
T K Manoj Kumar, Chairman
of the Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority
(WDRA), pointed out the various
multimodal initiatives while
praising the government for its
e昀昀orts towards the betterment of
the sector, with launch of initiatives like the National Logistics
Policy (NLP).
Kumar highlighted the integral role of warehousing within
logistics and underscored the
business opportunities available
in the sector. He informed that
WDRA is planning to introduce
non-agricultural warehouses.
Additionally, he discussed the
rise in registered warehouses
and loading activities, mentioning that in 2021, there were
approximately 1800 warehouses,
a number that has now surged
to around 5500.
Dr Ranjeet Mehta, Executive
Director of PHDCCI, discussed
how the logistics and warehousing sector is of paramount
importance for any economy
worldwide, particularly in India,
where logistics costs currently
are very high. “When discussing the high cost of logistics,
it's essential to recognise that
it also contributes to the GDP.
Government initiatives like PM
GatiShakti Master Plan aims to
streamline logistics operations,
demonstrating a coordinated
e昀昀ort across various ministries,”
he noted.
Pawan Jain, Chair of the
Logistics Committee at PHDCCI,
discussed how the focus is on
Integrated Logistics, Automation, and Infrastructure—three
pillars that are not just critical
but transformative in the realm of
logistics. “It is imperative that we
adapt and innovate to stay ahead
in this dynamic environment,”
Jain stressed.
The vote of thanks was
extended by Ravinder Sethi, CoChair of the Logistics Committee