CARGOCONNECT-MARCH2024 - Flipbook - Page 71
l Optimise stock levels based on demand patterns.
5. Technology Adoption:
l Leverage predictive analytics for informed decisions in inventory
management, demand forecasting, and logistics optimisation.
6. Alternative Sourcing:
l Explore alternative sourcing options for raw materials or
components, diversifying suppliers for cost-e昀昀ectiveness without
compromising quality.
7. Sustainable Practices:
l Implement environmentally conscious practices for cost savings,
including optimised packaging, energy-e昀케cient processes, and
sustainable sourcing.
8. Logistics E昀케ciency:
l Collaborate with logistics partners to improve transportation
e昀케ciency, reduce transit times, and minimise shipping costs.
9. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation:
l Regularly monitor market trends, input costs, and economic
landscape for informed decision-making and prompt adaptation.
In navigating rising input costs, Century Plyboards employs
a tailored combination of these strategies, recognising the need
for adaptability in response to industry-speci昀椀c challenges and
market conditions.
consumers and industry professionals alike.
In a bid to fortify its market position, Century Plyboards
executed a strategic expansion of its manufacturing capabilities and
distribution network. By establishing state-of-the-art manufacturing
facilities across diverse regions in India, the company was able
to efficiently meet regional demands. This expansion not only
minimised logistical challenges but also ensured a seamless and
steady supply of products, further solidifying Century Plyboards’
foothold in the market.
Century Plyboards exempli昀椀es agility in navigating the dynamic
market trends and evolving consumer preferences. Demonstrating a proactive approach, the company introduces new designs,
textures, and 昀椀nishes in its products, aligning seamlessly with
the ever-changing landscape of aesthetics and design trends. This
Pioneering Supply Chain Excellence
commitment to staying attuned to market dynamics
Century Plyboards excels in supply chain operations
not only showcases adaptability but also ensures
through strategic IT solutions. Leveraging multiple
that Century Plyboards maintains a distinctive
digital tools, the organisation leads in innovation.
Our supply chain
competitive edge in the industry.
Our current focus areas include:
S4-HANA integration for streamlining
functions are handled
Negotiate, Communicate, Adapt for
internally. This includes
managing Supply Chain Cost
Moving towards S4-HANA for integrated and
leasing warehouses and
E昀케ciently managing supply chain cost challenges
streamlined business processes, Century Plyboards
requires a cohesive blend of strategies:
ERP systems o昀昀er a centralised platform, fostering
directly procuring market
1. Cost Optimisation Focus:
real-time data access and enhancing collaboration
l Enhance operational e昀케ciency.
across departments.
company. Logistics operal Renegotiate supplier contracts.
Data-Driven excellence with advanced analytics
l Identify opportunities to cut production costs
tions are managed without Leveraging advanced analytics and predictive modelwithout compromising quality.
ling, Century Plyboards make informed decisions,
the involvement of any
2. Supply Chain Collaboration:
predictive analytics for demand forecasting,
third-party service provider. employing
l Work closely with logistics partners.
inventory optimisation, and risk management.
This strategic approach
l Coordinate transportation for optimised supply
WMS for optimising warehouse operations
chain e昀케ciency and reduced costs.
Implementing Warehouse Management Systems
positions the supply chain
3. Negotiation and Communication:
automates and optimises warehouse operaas a leading function within (WMS)
l Proactively negotiate with suppliers for costtions, covering inventory management, order picking,
our organisation, contribut- and shipping. This enhances accuracy, reduces lead
l Transparently communicate challenges to customtimes, and improves overall warehouse e昀케ciency,
ing to industry leadership
ers, managing expectations and maintaining trust.
evident to the success of our Central Distribution
4. Lean Inventory Management:
Centre from day one.
l Implement lean practices to minimise holding
TMS e昀케ciency for optimal transportation
Our Transportation Management Systems (TMS)