CARGOCONNECT-MARCH2024 - Flipbook - Page 66
Ashwin Bhat
ould you explain
the importance of
maintaining strong
relationships, connectivity, sustainability and
technology adoption in the
context of Lufthansa’s view of air
cargo as a “people’s business”?
Lufthansa Cargo stands as a cornerstone in the global landscape,
facilitating vital connections
between people, cultures, and
businesses in a sustainable
manner. Our mission is clear:
to adapt to evolving trends while
remaining steadfast in our commitment to fostering worldwide
connectivity. We maintain an
optimistic outlook while adopting a long-term perspective,
carefully observing trend lines
to anticipate future developments. Our approach extends
beyond capacity considerations
to encompass technological
advancements and digitalisation.
Embracing digitalisation involves
more than just implementing
new tools or systems; it entails
a holistic transformation of our
In addition to technological
advancements, we recognise
the importance of adopting
new working methods and
business models. Despite the
advancements in technology and
digitalisation, we remain 昀椀rm in
our belief that air cargo is fundamentally a people’s business.
While we leverage technology to
its fullest extent, we understand
the signi昀椀cance of maintaining
strong relationships. Our aim is
to seamlessly integrate technological advantages with human
skills, ensuring a harmonious
balance between innovation
and human interaction.
Continuously upskilling ourselves is imperative to seize all
opportunities for organisational
growth. While pro昀椀tability is
essential for investing in the
future, we must also prioritise
nurturing long-term relationships. It’s not a matter of choosing one over the other; rather,
it’s about recognising that both
aspects are interconnected and
must be cultivated together for
sustained success.
How does Lufthansa Cargo
plan to position Frankfurt
and entire Germany as the
e-commerce hub of Europe,
and what collaborative e昀昀orts
are being planned towards
achieving this goal?
The global market landscape
is abuzz with discussions
surrounding e-commerce,
a pivotal driver of economic
activity. Germany, boasting a
formidable market size, stands
at the forefront of this digital
revolution in Europe, potentially holding the top position.
Recognising this, Lufthansa
Cargo is poised to invest in
transforming Frankfurt and
Germany into the e-commerce
hub of Europe. Yet, such ambitious endeavours necessitate a
collaborative e昀昀ort, extending
beyond our organisation to
include regulators, customs
o昀케cials, and handling agents.
Together, we aim to seamlessly
integrate e-commerce into our
operations, capitalising on its
immense potential.
Equally paramount, however, is our collective responsibility towards sustainability.
Beyond mere business interests,
sustainability embodies our
fundamental ethos as conscientious global citizens. At
Lufthansa Cargo, we prioritise
sustainability initiatives in collaboration with our esteemed
partners, many of whom are
present here today. Together,
we explore avenues such as
sustainable aviation fuel, symbolising a shared commitment
to environmental stewardship
and long-term viability. By
embracing sustainability as a
cornerstone of our operations,
we not only safeguard our planet
but also pave the way for a more
resilient and prosperous future.