CARGOCONNECT-MARCH2024 - Flipbook - Page 51
It's About Maintaining
a Balance Between
Strategic Planning and
Spontaneous Action
SVP– Sales & Network Planning,
Qatar Airways Cargo
Progression in a
Skybound Sector
With over 26 years of experience
in the aviation industry, I have
successfully navigated through
roles on both the passenger
and cargo sides. My journey in
this industry feels like a calling, coming from a passion of
travelling, mobility, the ability
to 昀氀y and understanding trade
昀氀ows, a natural progression following my master’s degrees in
both Geoscience and Business
Commitment to Excellence
I believe my team and colleagues
are in the best position to provide
insights into my work personality.
Frequently, I hear from them that
I am known for being driven,
meticulous, and passionate. I am
inclined to believe this characterisation accurately re昀氀ects my
approach to our work together. I
thrive on reaching a balance of
strategic thinking and hands-on
involvement, fostering a positive
work culture based on inclusion
and on the conviction that only as
a team we can beat the market, as
well as advocating for customer
Grateful for Family Support
Balancing career aspirations
with personal life has been a
continuous challenge, but the
pursuit of excellence has been
a driving force too! I am fortunate to be surrounded by my
family that understands the
demands of my chosen path.
They are my true cheerleaders
in this journey.
Identity beyond Gender
I believe that many of my experiences and lessons learned
over the years are not solely
unique to being a woman, but
rather to being me, regardless
of gender.
Inspiring Leadership
I am particularly inspired by
people who foster empowerment
through a culture of trust, collaboration, and growth.
Continuous Learning in
Varied Environments
In my career I have taken jobs
both with direct line responsibility as well as sta昀昀 / central roles.
They both require di昀昀erent skills
and show you the importance of
the 2 sides. Starting the digital
studio from scratch for KLM
required gaining other skills
and perspectives. I love to work
with diverse teams to continuously learn from di昀昀erent
Open Yourself Up To
New Opportunities with
Courage and Tenacity
Remaining open to unexpected
opportunities and embracing
them with courage is essential for
both personal and professional
development. By anticipating
future possibilities and being
receptive to unforeseen paths,
individuals can navigate through
challenges and capitalise on new
prospects. It’s about maintaining a balance between strategic
planning and spontaneous action,
recognising that the journey to
success often involves adapting
Recognise your value and stand your ground
without apology. Self-awareness empowers
individuals to establish boundaries, pursue
goals, and remain steadfast in their principles, beliefs, and strengths. These principles
resonate equally for both women and men.
to the twists and turns along
the way.
Prioritising Sustainable
From my current perspective I
would change as from now to
think more on how I can better
contribute to leaving this planet
in a better shape. Invest more in
true solutions for sustainability.
Biggest Wish
Flying of course!