CARGOCONNECT-MARCH2024 - Flipbook - Page 48
Keep Advocating for Yourself, Sharing Your Ideas,
and Seizing Growth Opportunities
Director– Digital Marketing, Communications
and PR, Crane Worldwide Logistics
Have confidence to know that you have a
right to a seat at the table. As more women
ascend to the C-Suite, the next generation will
have greater opportunities for their voices to
be heard. Though the glass ceiling remains,
notable cracks are emerging. Focus on your
future aspirations: what do you want to
achieve in ten years? Take steps each day to
work towards those goals.
Start of the Journey in
Supply Chain
I graduated from Kedge Business
School in Bordeaux, France with
a European Business Degree and
applied for a graduate training
programme at a 3PL. The program o昀昀ered three placements
in supply chain operations and
the chance to pursue my MBA
concurrently. With a passion
for international trade, this
opportunity allowed me to enter
the 昀椀eld of supply chain management with a global perspective.
Working in Italy, France, the
United States, Singapore, and
the United Kingdom, it served
as a pivotal launchpad for my
global career.
Important to consider
Longevity in Career
Balancing work and home life
as a mother of two has been
challenging at times. I’ve been
fortunate to have a flexible
working arrangement, minimising travel while my children were
young. This may have impacted
my career to some extent,
but witnessing the confidence
of my children makes it worthwhile. It’s crucial to consider
the longevity of your career and
prioritise di昀昀erent stages of life
Work and Life Priorities
I believe the corporate world
is witnessing a shift from the
traditional career trajectory
centered around climbing the
ladder, often based on a male
role model. Many now choose
to maintain a steady career path
while focussing on other aspects
of life, resuming pace later.
People First: The Foremost
Leadership Trait
Great leaders prioritise people,
fostering respect through
understanding and compassion.
Regardless of circumstances, a
team that respects each other
achieves success. I’m inspired by
Melinda Gates, particularly her
book ‘The Moment of Lift: How
Empowering Women Changes
the World’. Through her life’s
journey, she’s gained valuable
insights, focussing now on her
passions and using her position
to improve lives.
Belief in Giving the Best
I am dedicated to delivering
my best, finding fulfillment in
overcoming challenges. I value
insights from colleagues and
thrive on collaborating with a
global team, which broadens
my perspectives. Continuous
learning is essential to me. My
father, my greatest inspiration and
advocate for equality, instilled in
me the belief that giving my best
enables me to achieve anything.
His advice empowers me to seize
every opportunity and serves as a
guiding principle, reminding me
that if my best isn’t recognised,
I’m not in the right place, both
personally and professionally.
Top Superpower Choice
Teleportation would be my top
choice for possessing a superpower. Professionally, it would
streamline team meetings,
allowing for face-to-face interactions regardless of location.
Personally, with family spread
across Australia, China, Spain,
and the UK, teleportation would
enable us to connect without the
hassle of travel.