CARGOCONNECT-MARCH2024 - Flipbook - Page 46
Assert Your Unique
Capabilities Confidently
Project Logistics Manager, Fluor
Passion for Optimising
Supply Chains
Serendipitously, my interest in
logistics sparked during my 昀椀rst
job after graduation. Initially
placed in the IT sector through
campus placement, I had a sixmonth gap before joining the
company. Seizing an opportunity on a job portal, I joined a
heavy-haul transport company
as a Graduate Engineer Trainee.
What began as curiosity quickly
evolved into a deep fascination
with logistics and supply chain
management intricacies. Delving
deeper, I found myself drawn to
optimising global logistics operations. The challenge of coordination, e昀케ciency, and innovation
within this 昀椀eld excites me, and
I am committed to contributing
to its evolving landscape.
Commitment to
In my pursuit of success, I've often
sacri昀椀ced personal leisure time
to hone my skills and knowledge.
Achieving work-life balance was
challenging, but these sacri昀椀ces
were worthwhile for professional
Overcoming Bias
In a male-dominated industry,
facing underestimation and
biased assumptions as a female
colleague is a daily struggle. Overcoming these challenges requires
continually proving one's worth
through actions and contributions. Additionally, perceptions
of female employees, particularly
regarding international assignments, are often influenced
by assumptions about family
obligations, unjustly limiting
their professional growth and
Traits of Effective
I deeply admire leaders like Indra
Nooyi, former CEO of PepsiCo,
for their empathy, agility, and
ability to inspire. Her strategic
prowess, inclusive leadership,
and commitment to diversity
and sustainability have greatly
in昀氀uenced my own leadership
Managing Complex
Logistics and Team
During my last project at Fluor,
amidst logistical disruptions
caused by the pandemic and team
members' unexpected absence, I
led the management of complex
logistics and team dynamics.
This demanded resilience, adaptability, and e昀昀ective navigation
through uncertainty. I swiftly
onboarded new team members
while maintaining project
momentum. This experience
honed my logistical and team
management skills, shaping
me as a leader and emphasising
the importance of agility, empathy, and clear communication
during adversity.
Demonstrating Excellence
The best advice I received is to
"Think and act two grades senior
in the hierarchy and perform your
responsibilities". By embodying
this mindset, you can showcase
proactive leadership qualities and
a strong work ethic, standing out
and preparing for future opportunities. It encourages ownership,
decision-making with a broader
perspective, and a commitment to
excellence. Embracing this advice
has elevated my career trajectory
and increased recognition within
the organisation.
My work persona embodies adaptability,
determination, and collaboration. I thrive in
dynamic environments, drawing motivation
from challenges and prioritising unified
teamwork for shared success.
Critical Overviews
In hindsight, I've learned the
importance of seeking mentors earlier in my career. Their
guidance accelerates personal
and professional growth, o昀昀ering invaluable insights, advice,
and support for well-rounded
Making the Big Wish
Given the opportunity to possess
a superpower, I'd choose the ability to instantly cultivate understanding and empathy across
diverse perspectives. Henry Ford
once said that the great secret
of success lies in the ability to
see things from another's point
of view. An empathetic leader
acknowledges di昀昀erent perspec-
tives without judgment, openly
communicates with their team,
and listens rather than dictating,
thereby building their team for
Two Cents for Aspiring
Female Leaders
For aspiring female leaders, cultivate a robust support network,
seek growth opportunities, and
assert your unique capabilities
con昀椀dently. Embrace continuous
learning, mastering not only your
role but also immersing yourself
in all aspects of the business.
In male-dominated industries,
challenges are inevitable, but
diligent work and innovative
approaches pave the way for
success for women in this 昀椀eld.