CARGOCONNECT-MARCH2024 - Flipbook - Page 44
Have Confidence in Your Ability to Excel in
Your Role and Add Value
Area Manager– Cargo Commercial,
to Those Around You
Etihad Cargo
My priority is ensuring every voice is heard
and all perspectives are considered. I welcome challenges and value opportunities to
think differently. When every team member
feels valued, it brings out the best in everyone and fosters collaborative efforts towards
shared goals.
Finding Excitement in the
Air Cargo Industry
After earning a 昀椀nance degree,
I began my logistics journey at a
shipping company, later transitioning through roles in human
resources, IT, and procurement
before entering a commercial
position. Joining Etihad Cargo
in 2008, I was struck by the
dynamic nature of air cargo
compared to sea freight. While
sea freight plans are made weeks
in advance, air cargo demands
constant adaptation, making it an
exhilarating industry to work in.
Embodying Passion,
Positivity, and Precision
In my 15-year career with Etihad Cargo, I embody passion,
positivity, and attention to detail.
These traits drive me to seek
innovative solutions, enhance
e昀케ciency, and elevate customer
service standards in the dynamic
air cargo industry. My positive
attitude fosters a supportive
team environment essential for
handling specialised shipments
and meeting tight schedules.
With complex logistics and strict
regulations, my detail-oriented
approach ensures precision in
navigating challenges.
Passion-Driven Career
While it has sometimes been
di昀케cult to achieve a great work/
life balance, I don’t see this as
a sacrifice because I am doing
something I love. I think many
women in the air cargo industry,
as well as in other sectors, feel
as though they have to sacri昀椀ce
having a family in order to have a
successful career and vice-versa.
Striving for Success and
While we have taken great strides
in terms of diversity and inclusion,
air cargo is still largely a male-
dominated industry. I feel lucky
to work at Etihad Cargo, where
we have a team that supports and
celebrates women and a working environment that empowers
women to seize every opportunity.
I still walk into meetings where I
am the only woman at the table,
but on the whole, I think men and
women in this sector are facing
the same challenges — managing market conditions in such a
fast-evolving sector.
Leadership in Action
I think the most successful leaders
share many of the same traits.
They are visionary, communicative, empathetic, adaptable and
decisive. A leader that inspired me
was Apple’s Founder Steve Jobs.
Even during his battle with cancer,
he maintained his passion for
being at the forefront of innovation and pushing boundaries. I
greatly respect leaders who can
overcome challenges and 昀椀nd a
way to embrace every opportunity.
Guiding Principle
“Be yourself” and “keep smiling”
is what I strive to live by.
Desired Superpower
If I could have any superpower,
it would be to understand and
speak every language. This would
greatly simplify communication
in my role at Etihad Cargo, where
building successful relationships
relies on e昀昀ective communication
with customers and partners
across various countries.
Strategies for
Advancement in the
For anyone striving for career
success, regardless of gender,
self-trust is key. Have con昀椀dence
in your ability to excel in your role
and add value to those around
you by working diligently and
staying committed.