CARGOCONNECT-MARCH2024 - Flipbook - Page 41
Being a Woman in
this Industry Involves
Paving the Way for
Future Female Leaders
Vice President of Corporate Affairs, UPS
Joining UPS and Helming
Corporate Affairs
Beginning in hospitality provided
a strong base in customer service,
sales, marketing, and communications. This background piqued
my interest in logistics for its
complexity and growth potential.
Joining UPS, a global leader, was
invaluable, leading to overseeing
Corporate A昀昀airs for 70 countries
in the Middle East, Africa, and
the Indian Subcontinent. Working
with a great team, this role has
enriched me, utilising my skills
in a diverse, global context.
Cultivating Supportive
Workplace Culture
Achieving my professional goals
has required tough choices, often
prioritising work over personal
and family time. These challenges taught me resilience and
emphasised the crucial support of
my husband. I’ve since learned to
manage my time more e昀케ciently,
striving for a better work-life
balance. This journey highlights
the importance of 昀氀exibility and
a supportive workplace culture,
inspiring me to cultivate an environment focussed on growth
and learning.
Proactive Engagement and
Trust Building
A key lesson from my leadership
journey as a woman is transcending traditional roles to become
a true business partner, deeply
connected to my team’s needs.
This realisation surfaced during
a pivotal project, where collaboration across departments was vital.
Understanding the importance
of relationships, I proactively
engaged with each team member,
prioritising personal connections
and trust-building. This approach,
rooted in fostering trust and rapport, proved invaluable in navigating challenges and leveraging our
strengths cohesively.
Being a woman in this
industry involves bringing a
distinct perspective, breaking
barriers, and paving the way for
future female leaders. It’s about
embracing one’s unique value and
contribution with pride.
Graceful Determination in
The leaders I admire possess
resilience, empathy, and visionary
thinking, navigating challenges
with poise and fostering collaboration. Remarkable women like
Jacinda Ardern, Angela Merkel,
and Kamala Harris exemplify
impactful leadership, overcoming barriers with grace and
determination. Their ability to
connect personally, empathise
with diverse experiences, and
lead with purpose is admirable,
shattering glass ceilings and
inspiring future generations.
Their stories underscore the
importance of inclusive leadership, where diverse perspectives
drive positive change.
A “One Team” Approach
One pivotal event in my career
was the opening of UPS India
Technology Centre in Chennai.
This exempli昀椀ed collaborative
leadership and a “One Team”
approach, crucial for overcoming
challenges and achieving success.
As the corporate a昀昀airs leader,
navigating cross-functional
collaboration, coordinating
across continents, and manag-
As a leader, I prioritise inclusivity, empathy, and
effective communication, especially crucial in maledominated fields. Empowering my team to lead and
fostering continuous learning are paramount to me.
I provide diverse opportunities for their growth and
emphasise accountability and flexibility in our work
ethic, encouraging ownership and adaptability. For
females entering in to supply chain my advice is to
Build Your Network, Dream Big and work towards
Continuous Growth.
ing diverse stakeholders was
essential. It tested leadership
skills and teamwork, teaching
invaluable lessons in communication, strategic planning, and
adaptability. By fostering open
communication and collaboration,
we leveraged expertise from various departments and locations,
enriching our approach for the
Indian market’s speci昀椀c needs.
Teamwork prevailed!
Being Authentic and
Believing in Self
One impactful advice I’ve received
in my career is to “be yourself in
everything you do”. Believing in
myself and embracing challenges
as growth opportunities has been
instrumental. It empowers me
to express ideas confidently,
recognising the value of diverse
perspectives in driving innovation and problem-solving. By
adopting an open mindset and
seizing opportunities, I’ve learned
from every experience, viewing
them all as opportunities for
growth and progress.
Importance of Communication
If I could possess one superpower, it would be fluency in
all languages. This ability would
enable me to connect with people
from diverse backgrounds and
overcome communication barriers, aligning with my belief in the
transformative power of communication for fostering inclusivity
and global connectivity.