CARGOCONNECT-MARCH2024 - Flipbook - Page 38
Perseverance is
Key in Navigating
Challenges and
Setbacks along
the Way
Chief Executive Officer,
Air Cargo Malawi
I admire leaders who embody integrity,
strong character, effective time management,
compassion, self-confidence, powerful
speaking abilities, perseverance, inspiration,
relatability to others, and grace under
pressure. Among these leaders, Michelle
Obama and the Late President of South Africa,
Nelson Mandela, stand out as exemplary
figures whom I deeply admire.
Being Ambitious About
What You Do
As the Chief Executive O昀케cer of
Air Cargo Malawi Ltd, I lead our
mission to deliver cargo e昀케ciently
through air freight services. Our
core business revolves around
smart and strategic transportation of goods via air. I am a
hard-working, driven, analytical,
results-oriented, courageous, and
creative individual who tackles
challenges head-on.
The Cost of Achievement
If anything, the main sacri昀椀ce I’ve
made along the way to reaching
my level of success is time with
my family.
Be Upfront
As women, we often take
more time to speak up in the
boardroom compared to our
male colleagues when we have
observations or contributions
to make.
Given the opportunity to write
business cases for strategic product launches, I lead the entire
process from conceptualisation
through to launch, driving
business revenue. This involves
coordinating with all departments and collaborating with
individuals at all levels within the
organisation, as well as external
stakeholders, to ensure the success of the project.
There is always a Solution,
No Matter How Difficult the
Problem Is
Be bolder and ask for what you
want earlier in your career. In
life, every problem has a solution,
except death.
Build Your Own Board of
Crafting a blueprint for your
career involves 昀椀rst identifying
and harnessing your strengths
while acknowledging and
addressing weaknesses, delineating clear areas for development.
This includes seeking relevant
courses or exposure to enhance
skills and knowledge, potentially
pursuing further education to
close any critical gaps. Collaborative e昀昀orts are essential;
hence, establishing a network
of trusted sponsors, mentors,
and a personal board of directors for guidance and support
is paramount. Perseverance is
key in navigating challenges and
setbacks along the way. Furthermore, aim to capitalise on your
uniqueness, cultivating a hip
pocket skill that sets you apart
in the industry. Actively seeking
and creating opportunities is
crucial to propel your career
forward. Finally, recognise the
importance of lifelong learning,
committing to continuous growth
and development throughout the
professional journey.