CARGOCONNECT-MARCH2024 - Flipbook - Page 35
Adopt a One-Day-at-a-Time Approach while
Keeping the End Goal in Sight
Head of Operations, Events and Outreach,
The International Air Cargo Association
Humble Beginnings
Let’s just say I stumbled into
it. Over 20 years ago, I joined
TIACA almost by chance. At the
time, I was grappling with the
prospect of my then employer
going under, and with bills to
pay and a young daughter to support, I sought out opportunities
wherever I could.
Thriving on Challenges
I enjoy engaging in a variety of
tasks and actively seek out new
challenges to prevent boredom.
As a result, I consider myself
well-rounded and thrive on the
opportunity to tackle new projects and 昀椀nd innovative solutions
to any issues that arise.
Seeking Work-Life Balance
One of my biggest regrets is
not having more time to watch
my girls grow up. As a single
mom, I was deeply committed
to providing them with a nurturing upbringing, which often
meant balancing work demands
with parenting responsibilities.
Looking back, I wish I had the
昀氀exibility I have today to spend
more quality time with them as
they were growing up.
Advocating Assertiveness
Women often find themselves
doing more listening than speaking, but it’s crucial that we assert
our unique perspectives. It’s
essential to speak up and ensure
our viewpoints are represented.
Don’t hesitate to assert yourself
and speak out—your voice matters.
Leadership and Vision
Vision is indispensable for
inspiring and guiding a team
effectively. In the air cargo
industry, there are numerous
leaders I deeply admire, but I
must highlight Steven Polmans,
Chair of TIACA. His arrival heralded a transformative period,
as he introduced a clear vision
for the association’s future and
charted a course to achieve it.
Though we continue to progress
towards our goals, Polmans’
leadership has already led to
substantial advancements,
ensuring we remain dedicated
to meeting the evolving needs
of both our industry and our
Power of Collective Effort
Observing the association’s journey from prosperity to adversity,
and witnessing its subsequent
resurgence into what it is today,
has been a profound experience.
As a key member of the team,
I’ve come to understand that it
takes collective e昀昀ort to achieve
our objectives.
Importance of Education
In hindsight, I wish I had prioritised my education more diligently. Investing more attention
in my studies would have eased
the challenges I faced in reaching
my current position.
Making Progress
Adopt a one-day-at-a-time
approach while keeping the end
goal in sight. Maintain unwavering faith in both yourself and
your team. Take the 昀椀rst step
and then just keep moving
I am dedicated to the pursuit of super
learning, driven by my passion for acquiring
knowledge, exceptional memory, and my
continuous self-evaluation. I am constantly
seeking opportunities to enhance myself
and my surroundings by identifying areas
for improvement.