CARGOCONNECT-MARCH2024 - Flipbook - Page 10
ndustry 5.0 and Industry
4.0 represent two di昀昀erent
stages in the development of
industrial processes while
sharing a common denominator:
the implementation of automated
equipment and digital solutions.
Industry 5.0 is not an alternative model designed to replace
Industry 4.0, but a development
that puts technology at the service of people. In other words,
Industry 5.0 looks to combine
the roles of human beings and
machines to complement and
enhance each other’s strengths,
while Industry 4.0 is based on
the interconnectivity between
machines and IT systems.
Unlike Industry 4.0, which
focusses on the automation and
digitisation of processes, Industry
5.0 combines the unique respective abilities of human beings and
machines to achieve more 昀氀exible
and personalised manufacturing.
This means both machines and
humans will work together on
tasks that require creativity,
complex decision-making and
emotional skills to create things
more e昀케ciently.
Numerous technological
advances are expected in the
transition from Industry 4.0 to
Industry 5.0. Companies will
increasingly rely on self-learning
systems to make processes even
more e昀케cient and automated. The
collaboration between humans
and machines will further be
strengthened with the evolution of advanced robotic systems
and artificial intelligence (AI)
which can support and complement humans in new ways. For
example, robots can take on
physically demanding or dangerous tasks while humans are used
as experts for complex decisions
and monitoring tasks. This will
also strengthen networking and
collaboration along the entire
value chain, creating a closer
connection between customers,
suppliers, and partners.
Tapping into a pool of opportunities
It is important to emphasise that
the introduction of Industry 5.0
does not mean that Industry
Industry 4.0
Automation and technology Creation of sustainable, environfor efficiency improvement in mentally friendly manufacturing
manufacturing and production processes
Use of data and analytics to Importance of human interaction and
optimise processes
IoT, AI, ML for task and decision Combination of advanced technologies
with human skills and creativity
Robots and autonomous
machines for repetitive,
hazardous, or precision tasks
Development of new skills and
competencies among human
Smart factories for selfoptimisation of production
Integrated, flexible production system
for adaptation to customer requirements
and market trends
Digital twins and simulation Advanced technologies such as
tools for production process nanotechnology and biotechnology for
creating new materials and products
Predictive maintenance, remote
monitoring, and real-time data
analysis for efficiency improvement and cost reduction
4.0 will be completely replaced.
Rather, Industry 5.0 will extend
the strengths of Industry 4.0 and
help make companies even more
agile and future-proof.
Automation is an important
topic in Industry 4.0 and will
also play a central role in the
upcoming Industry 5.0. Through
connected systems and robotics,
many manual tasks are automated, saving time and costs and
improving quality. However, this
is not just about direct production, but also about the entire
production process, which can be
optimised through automation.
For example, inventory levels
can be automatically managed
or disruptions in the production
process can be prevented through
predictive maintenance.
Automation plays a central
role, as manual work can be made
more e昀케cient with the help of
robots and networked systems.
Not only in direct production,
but also in the entire production
process, optimisations can be
achieved through automation.
The use of interconnected systems like sensors and intelligent
Industry 5.0
Prioritisation of sustainability
and ethical production practices
to minimise waste and reduce
environmental impact
manufacturing technology along
the entire value chain will enable
central collection and use of
information, thus facilitating
collaboration between customers
and suppliers and promoting
e昀케cient and targeted work.
Coinciding with significant
innovation and advances in AI
and ML, the introduction of 5G is
seen as no di昀昀erent – transforming automation, robotics and IoT,
ultimately leading the revolution.
With 5G, sensors on any device will
be able to connect to the Internet
regardless of Wi-Fi availability
– enabling mobile devices 24/7
access to bandwidth. According to
a recent report, an estimated 1.5
billion people are expected to be
connected to 5G networks by 2024.
The significance of AI will
continue to increase in Industry
5.0. This is not only about complementing human labour, but also
improving decision-making processes in companies. For example,
self-learning algorithms can be
used to optimise production processes or improve the quality of
products. AI can also be of great
bene昀椀t in predictive maintenance,
which involves the proactive
maintenance of machinery and
equipment. By analysing data and
using ML methods, failures can
be detected early with appropriate
The transition to Industry 5.0
Although we are still immersed
in improving and optimising
Industry 4.0 with the cuttingedge technologies available on the
market, the transition toward an
industry that is more resilient,
sustainable and focussed on the
human factor could gain strength
in the future.
On the way toward Industry
5.0, the di昀昀erence could well be
made by those organisations that
take steps to improve humanrobot interaction in warehouses.
Research reveals that to improve
decision-making and collaboration
in robotised warehouses, shop
昀氀oor managers must consider the
following four pieces of advice:
create effective human-robot
teams in the warehouse; recruit
and train the right professionals for proper human-machine
interaction; assign tasks and
develop operational policies
for people and machines; and,
昀椀nally, design attractive and direct
human-machine interactions.
A particular advantage lies
in the improvement of workforce management. By replacing
manual processes with automation, companies can increase
productivity without having to
hire more personnel. This creates a more attractive workplace
and leads to increased employee
engagement. As such, Industry
5.0 not only bene昀椀ts companies,
but also employees.
A future-oriented system
that relies on digital technologies creates more resilience and
sustainability in the work environment and intelligently manages
disruptions. Companies preparing for and investing in these
developments are thus laying the
foundation for long-term success
and competitive advantage.