CARGOCONNECT JULY2024 - Flipbook - Page 21
score a growing preference for sustainable
products, driving market demand. To
this end, DHL Express is committed to
advancing sustainable logistics practices,
given the signi昀椀cant environmental impact
of supply chains.
Patel concludes by stressing that despite
improvements in India’s Logistics Performance
Index (LPI) since 2010, the country still trails
behind peers in logistics competence and
infrastructure. Addressing these ine昀케ciencies
and reducing costs are crucial steps toward
achieving India’s logistical targets and bolstering global competitiveness.
Strategies in Motion for
Making Big Leaps
“Enhancing the resilience of the air cargo
sector requires a collective e昀昀ort harnessing
the capacities and capabilities of individual
organisations. By implementing key management strategies and considerations, the
industry can establish a more dynamic and
robust ecosystem,” avows Gazder who further
outlines a few strategic approaches and e昀케ciencies in service models that can facilitate this.
Collaborative Networks: Developing partnerships among airlines, freight forwarders,
logistics providers, and technology firms
can promote resource sharing, knowledge
exchange, and innovation. These collaborations can also facilitate joint investments
in infrastructure, technology, and service
enhancements, thereby strengthening the
integrated supply chain.
Standardisation and Interoperability:
Adopting standardised processes and
interoperable systems across the industry
is essential for seamless operations. This
involves standardising documentation, customs procedures,
and data exchange protocols. Interoperable digital platforms
that integrate diverse systems enhance e昀케ciency and reduce
operational bottlenecks.
Agile and Flexible Business Models:
Adopting agile business models capable
of swiftly adapting to market changes
and disruptions is crucial. This includes
o昀昀ering 昀氀exible service options, scalable
infrastructure, and contingency plans for
unforeseen events. Agile models enable
rapid responses to shifts in demand, supply
chain disruptions, and regulatory changes.
Sustainability and Resilience: Integrating sustainability practices into the
business model not only meets regulatory
requirements but also enhances longterm resilience. This includes investing
in fuel-e昀케cient aircraft, using alternative
fuels, and adopting green logistics solutions. Sustainable practices minimise
To effectively meet the increasing demand for
environmental impact and bolster the
faster, reliable cross-border solutions, air cargo
resilience of the supply chain.
stakeholders must strategically adapt their service
“Through strategic management and
offerings and product portfolios. This includes
forward-thinking strategies, organizations
modernising cargo ecosystems to provide a wide
can signi昀椀cantly contribute to building a
range of services and ensuring that infrastructure
more resilient ecosystem,” states Kamesh.
supports swift and efficient operations Being
“This involves fostering collaboration among
future-ready is essential for sustained success.
industry players, investing in advanced
This involves proactively enhancing resilience by
technologies for streamlined operations, and
diversifying supply chains, embracing automaadopting agile business models to swiftly
tion, and establishing robust backup systems.
adapt to changing market dynamics.”
Implementing lean operations and harnessing
“In my view, e昀昀ectively integrating
data analytics for optimisation facilitate conthe network and ensuring a dynamic
tinuous improvement and add value to customers.
ecosystem requires prioritizing innovaCollaborating with proficient partners who can
tive services and operational efficienleverage the latest upgrades and advancements in
cies,” Kamesh continues. “This includes
technology can further amplify the capabilities of
embracing digitalization and automation to
air cargo stakeholders
optimize processes, enhance visibility, and
improve overall e昀케ciency. Additionally,
CEO, Celebi Delhi Cargo Terminal Management
promoting sustainability initiatives and
implementing robust risk management
practices are essential for mitigating
potential disruptions and ensuring longterm resilience.”
“By focussing on these determinants,”
Kamesh attests, “organisations can play
a pivotal role in strengthening the air cargo sector and driving
its growth in the years to come.”
End Note
In conclusion, the Indian aviation industry is currently undergoing
a transformative phase with signi昀椀cant changes beginning to take
shape. This sector represents a substantial growth opportunity
poised for unprecedented expansion driven by supportive
government policies, sustained demand, and a commitment
to developing innovative and sustainable market propositions.
Re昀氀ective of India’s emerging economy status, there is a strong
potential for it to evolve into a vibrant market for the broader
air cargo industry, o昀昀ering an exciting prospect for shippers,
logistics players, and air carriers alike.