Cat Management Plan 2023 A4 - v3 - SPREADS (002) - Flipbook - Page 6
Domestic Cats - all cats with some dependence (direct or indirect)
on humans. There are three sub-categories of domestic cats:
Owned - These cats are identified with and cared for by a specific
person and are directly dependent on humans. They are usually
sociable, although sociability can vary;
Semi-owned - These cats are fed or provided with other care by
people who do not consider they own them. They are of varying
sociability, with many socialised to humans, and may be associated
with one or more households (or business premises); and
Unowned - These cats are indirectly dependent on humans with
some having casual and temporary interactions with humans. They
are of varying sociability, including some who are unsocialised to
humans, and some may live in groups.
Feral Cats - these cats are unowned, unsocialised,
have no relationship with or dependence on or
contact with humans, and reproduce in the wild.