23 428196 Camden Public Building Design Manual 1 August 2023 - Flipbook - Page 24
Sports Facility Building
A Sports Facility Building is a public building classified as medium profile amongst Camden Council's
built assets.
The information in this design manual sets minimum requirements for a Sports Facility Building.
The requirements are not specific to the code of sport that a Sports Facility Building will be built for.
As such, current requirements for the specific code of sport that is being played in the Sports field, court
or similar sports facilities for which the Sports Facility Building is being designed are required to be
obtained and incorporated in the design to ensure specific requirements are being met.
Each Sports Facility Building will be required to address at least two sports fields.
The standard requirements within this document are applicable to a building that is associated with a
local sportsground with two sports fields.
If the building to be designed facilitates the users of another sportsground category with more than two
fields, or with courts or similar, the size for users is required to increase according to capacity.
The users for each specific sports category that will use each building is referred to in this section of the
document as the user group.
It is a requirement of the design process and this document that the user group requirements are
incorporated in the design of a Sports Facility Building. This may include the specific space required for
storage areas, particular requirements for change rooms or how many change rooms are needed.
With the ongoing focus on increasing amenity to support female participation in sport, Council
will consider the inclusion of female friendly facility provisions such as additional changerooms.
Specific user group requirements can be obtained through the Camden Council .
This document includes a set of standard requirements to be incorporated into the design and
construction of a public Sports Facility Building within the Camden LGA.
Any variations to the requirements set out in this document are to be approved by Camden Council prior
to incorporation in documentation for each building.
A Sports Facility Building, also known as a Club House, is an important place in the cultural fabric of the
community. Not only does it hold the functional requirements of a sporting code, it holds the recreational
and social interactions for the players, their families, their supporters and the local community.
A Sports Facility Building is a place that will be hired out for use by members of the public. It is important
the hireable area is a clearly defined zone with one main door access and no doors connecting to other
hireable areas.
The objective of this document is to ensure that the building is suitable for long-term use by all
members of the public.