23 428157 Camden Open Space Design Manual 1 August 2023 - Flipbook - Page 53
5.1.8 Maintenance provisions
All open spaces within Camden LGA must be designed to allow the safe completion of required regular
maintenance. Integrate maintenance requirements for each site into the landscape and minimise visual
impact on the open space. The following items should be provided for all new or upgraded open spaces:
− A maintenance manual must be provided with all new and upgraded open spaces including a summary
checklist of maintenance requirements. An example summary is provided in Appendix A. The summary is
to concisely document all assests and briefly describe the maintance activity/ type and regime to maintain
the asset at the required standard for each open space;
− A maintenance access diagram is to be provided with all open space design approval documents. The
diagram must indicate entry points and access through the open space, allowing access to all significant
activity points such as playgrounds, public places bins and toilets. Maintenance vehicles access may
traverse lawn areas but must avoid garden beds. Where onsite waste collection is required access must
be via a sealed path;
− Maintenance access routes, standing areas and furniture/fixtures designed to restrict movement should
be integrated into the open space design and conform with the aesthetic qualities of the open space.
hardstand areas should be minimised. Access routes should avoid turns greater than 90 degrees;
− Maintenance vehicle access should generally be designed to reduce the need for heavy vehicles to cross
footpaths. Where maintenance vehicles are required to traverse a concrete footpath, the footpath must
be 3 metres wide and adhere to Camden Standard Landscape Details (CSLD);
− All open spaces should have at least one maintenance entry suitable for access by 4.5 tonne trucks and
12 tonne trucks where Gross Pollutant Traps (GPT's) are proposed. A level hardstand area large enough
to accommodate a 12 tonne truck and not more than 5 metres from the GPT is required;
− The maintenance entry is to be accessed via a 3 metre wide kerb crossing. The entry point should be free
of furniture, fittings, garden beds and other obstructions directly opposite the kerb crossing;
− A maintenance entry barrier such as a removable bollard or control gates may be required in specific
situations to prevent unautorised access. This will be assessed on case by case basis; maintenance
access to all required locations is a significant consideration;
− Where appropriate, use creative form for maintenance areas to blend in with the overall design; and
Park furniture clear of
maintenance access path
Vegetation clear
of maintenance
access path
Figure.11 Maintenance provisions diagrams