23 428157 Camden Open Space Design Manual 1 August 2023 - Flipbook - Page 15
Using the COSDM
The COSDM outlines the design principles, guidelines and miminum requirements for public open space
within the Camden LGA. The COSDM is organised into the following sections & appendixes:
Open Space Design
Provides an overview of the predominant types of public open spaces within Camden LGA and outlines
Camden Council's vision for each open space type.
− parks
− playgrounds
− natural areas
− drainage areas
− transmission easements
− sportsgrounds
Design Principles
Outlines the design principles which underpin successful open space design in the Camden LGA.
Design guidelines
Outlines the design guidelines for each open space type. The guidelines describe the components
required within each open space and their preferred location, configuration and materials. The guidelines
reference standards, details and maintenance requirements that should be considered when designing.
Facility Data sheet
The facility data sheets are minimum requirements for each open space. They provide an itemised
summary of the quantity of elements, fixtures and fittings that are essential for each open space. They
should be further developed by designers to include specifications appropriate to individual sites.
The checklists are to be completed and submitted to Camden Council as part of the design review
+ Design principles checklist – this summarises where the open space project complies with, or differs
from the open space design principles.
+ Guidelines checklist – this summarises where the open space project complies with, or differs from
the open space design guidelines.
+ Proposed facility list – is a table which aims to summarise the items that have been included within
the open space project.