23 428157 Camden Open Space Design Manual 1 August 2023 - Flipbook - Page 11
Camden Local Strategic Planning Statement
Camden Local Strategic Planning Statement (CLSPS) is a document which demonstrates how the
Camden LGA will meet the community's needs over the next 20 years. The CLSPS is made up of four
themes: Infrastructure and Collaboration, Liveability, Productivity, and Sustainability. These four themes
will be implemented through 21 local priorities.
Access to natural environment and local open spaces is consistently considered the highest priority in
the CLSPS. The COSDM takes forward this priority of providing high quality and accessible public open
spaces in the Camden LGA.
Camden Community Strategic Plan
The Community Strategic Plan 2036 provides a vision for the future growth of the Camden LGA. To
realise the vision, five key directions have been established, and each direction identifies objectives and
The work undertaken in the COSDM supports and advances the following ojectives:
− W1 Our community is welcoming and inclusive, everyone feels included and involved:
+ The COSDM contributes to the provision of adequate, accessible and high quality open space
across the Camden LGA, by establising aspirational design principles and by creating minimum
requirements supported by strong guidelines.
− W2 Our community is healthy and active with acess to open spaces, facilities and services that
support wellbeing:
+ The COSDM provides directions to ensure that open space is designed to support good community
health and wellbeing.
+ The COSDM sets minimum standards for recreational facilities which reflect community needs.
− B1 Our natural environment and waterways are protected, well maintained and enhanced for
community enjoyment:
The COSDM sets design principles & guidelines which will:
+ Contribute to environmental protection, restoration and urban greening;
+ Maintain, protect and increase Camden's tree canopy;
+ Manage the impact and integration of population growth responsibly within our natural environment;
+ Maintain and enhance the natural environment.
− B3 Climate impacts and risks in Camden are well managed.
+ The COSDM provides directions to ensure that open space is designed to be resilient to the impacts
of climate change impacts, and that material selections are as sustainable as possible.