23 428157 Camden Open Space Design Manual 1 August 2023 - Flipbook - Page 104
5.6.3 Dry phase facilities
Dry drainage areas are designed as detention basins for high rainfall events. They have the capacity
to contain significant water flows; however, if designed appropriately they would have a significant dry
phase. Camden Council would like to encourage design teams to consider options for appropriate
recreational use during the dry phase of basins.
This could be unprogrammed open space, nature walks, running tracks, scenic native landscapes,
informal sports and other activity. To enable dry phase activity, the following guidelines apply:
− Provide a clear diagram of expected stormwater cycle through the drainage area;
− Design a staged water flow system, which creates areas capable of maintaining recreational uses;
− Provide sufficient and appropriate embellishments and facilities to support recreational use.
Photograph.48 Dry phase facilities, Champions Park, Oran Park, 2019
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