23 428157 Camden Open Space Design Manual 1 August 2023 - Flipbook - Page 100
5.5.3 Lawn areas
An open lawn is by nature a multi-purpose space and is often the most widely used area. To enable the
high level of maintenance required to keep these areas in optimal condition the following guidelines apply:
− Lawn areas should be consolidated to avoid small ‘patches’, which are more prone to excessive trampling,
drying out, and overuse. Sharp angles and narrow strips should also be avoided;
− Lawn areas should be designed to facilitate maintenance by a ride-on lawn mower;
− The maximum gradient for lawns is 1:6;
− Where possible lawns must drain to the perimeter;
− Lawns should generally be kept clear of smaller furniture elements such as seats, lights, bins etc;
− Provide flexible open turf area adjacent to playgrounds to provide opportunities for unstructured play and
connection to the wider park;
− Lawn species and planting profile to be as per the planting palettes and CSLD; and
− For information regarding turf for sports field refer to the CSFS.
5.5.4 Biodiversity
Open spaces present a unique opportunity to enrich local biodiversity. To support that, the following
guidelines apply:
− Review the endemic planting, biodiversity studies and revegetation plans for adjacent natural areas to
inform plant selection;
− Use planting to create biodiversity corridors bridging across riparian zones, park lands and drainage
areas; and
− Use planting appropriate to the projected levels of inundation.
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