Economic Development Recovery and Resiliency Playbook - Flipbook - Page 87
Tactics for launching a successful grassroots campaign include:
• Increasing awareness of a key piece of information through a trusted news source to develop an initial wide audience;
• Directing messages to prominent members of the small-business community that has established peer networks such as
local emergency preparedness small business councils or oficers of chambers of commerce.
Economic Development Takeaway
Deploying powerful, persuasive messaging and leveraging the right multimedia
channels is an efective approach to achieving this conversion.
The key objective is to convert the efort from building awareness to creating advocates who are compelled to quickly share the
information with others. Deploying powerful, persuasive messaging and leveraging the right multimedia channels is an efective
approach to achieving this conversion.
Given the increased reliance on social media and the widespread use of virtual tools and web communications, shareable digital
media is a valuable tool for rapidly disseminating key information.
Another helpful example of leveraging shareable digital tools to encourage individuals to spread critical messages is the
All-Emergency Preparedness Campaign, also known as Listos California.108 This statewide efort seeks to “boost disaster
preparedness by engaging over one million of the most vulnerable Californians and connecting them with culturally and
linguistically competent support through a grassroots, people-centered approach.” Campaign materials include free print,
online, text message, social media, and streaming audio and video resources that individuals can use to promote disaster
preparedness in their community.
Creative shareable media encourages individuals — even those directly impacted by a crisis — to participate in the recovery
process by distributing actionable information to others who may benefit from knowing it. Two keys to the success of such
information campaigns are:
1. The immediacy of the information’s usefulness; and
2. Clear instructions on how best to access the information and share the news with other impacted businesses.
Creative shareable media encourages individuals — even those directly impacted by a
crisis — to participate in the recovery process by distributing actionable information to
others who may beneft from knowing it.
Determining Where You Are in the Disaster Lifecycle
As previously mentioned, being prepared to respond to economic disruption, planning for recovery, and fostering resiliency
creates a strong, sustainable local economy that provides economic opportunity for all and improves residents’ quality of life.
A community may be in multiple phases of the cycle simultaneously. This has been particularly evident during the COVID-19
pandemic as parts of the world experienced repeated surges and declines of the virus, particularly when new variants emerged.
Recovery Deep Dive: Engaging Businesses Before, During, and After Disruption