Economic Development Recovery and Resiliency Playbook - Flipbook - Page 61
Marketing and Outreach Strategy
As with all economic and workforce development assessments and studies, once the data and information are collected, these
must be disseminated to those that will use it. Various stakeholders should and can benefit from workforce assessments.
Disseminating this information to the appropriate stakeholders provides benefits both to the stakeholders and your
organization. Providing critical position, educational inventory, and career pathway data to applicable stakeholders can help
make future curricula and projects more beneficial for your community. If data clearly indicates a market for graduates of
particular programs, educational leaders may adjust their curricula to provide the appropriate training for these positions,
potentially increasing the size of the available workforce for these jobs. Stakeholders will appreciate the information as it will
help them in their own organizational eforts. This also builds goodwill between your organization and these stakeholders,
increasing the likelihood of future partnerships and other cooperative eforts.
Depending on the scope of your project, the findings can be vast and may overwhelm many audiences. Consider compiling
your results into a short PowerPoint presentation that can be used in meetings or sent out to highlight key findings. Include
brief summaries and clear graphics to communicate the most important information to community stakeholders. Use
straightforward language and avoid statistical jargon so that anyone who reads the information can readily understand it.
You can also use an interactive online dashboard like Tableau or another data visualization program to share the information.
This can help stakeholders to easily filter through the data and find information that is personalized to their individual
characteristics, and this format can easily be shared on a website or with an emailed link.
Deliver information to stakeholders in a variety of languages appropriate to your region, using an array of methods and
modalities (online, hard copy, in-person or virtual meetings, graphics and narrative, and interactive maps) to give all audiences
full access.
Economic Development Takeaway
Deliver information to stakeholders in a variety of languages appropriate to your
region, using an array of methods and modalities (online, hard copy, in-person
or virtual meetings, graphics and narrative, and interactive maps) to give all
audiences full access.
Potential Stakeholders and Outreach Opportunities
Consider the following groups as potential stakeholders that ofer opportunities for outreach.
• Career counselors
• Career advisors at community colleges, vocational programs, and universities
• Student support services at high schools, community colleges, vocational programs, and universities
• Events, expos, and presentations
• Industry leaders
• Students and parents/guardians
• Additional local government department heads and leaders
• Educational leaders
• Youth development services
• Job training centers
• Community-based organizations
Labor Supply, Workforce Availability, and Training