Economic Development Recovery and Resiliency Playbook - Flipbook - Page 26
Create a dedicated web page. Use your jurisdiction’s website, which most likely uses search engine optimization (SEO) and
has an existing online presence, to create a separate page that highlights each goal, rather than creating a new website. Keep the
page’s information current with public meeting dates and available avenues for the public to provide input.
Publish social media posts and/or blogs. A social media page or blog can be created to invite comments and generate
excitement about the project. These are useful and relatively inexpensive ways to engage the community because it allows input
and interaction. If it’s a public page, it can cast a wide net.
Track feedback. The digital feedback from the social media pages should be incorporated into each goal. The accessibility
of public pages helps to support the goals’ transparency and credibility. Social media provides an opportunity to gather more
feedback from the community. Use the social media analytics to reveal more details, such as the number of likes, shares, and
follows, and track whether your reach is increasing.
Conduct public meetings, including Town Halls. Schedule an agenda item to discuss your particular goals, either during
your local government meetings or at a special meeting, whether virtual or in person. Publicize the meeting and the topic, and
invite the general public to attend. Conduct one-on-one visits with key “influencers” or small groups of influencers who will then
carry your message into the broader community. Schedule a special meeting or a Town Hall dedicated to discussing each goal.
Enlist or hire a scribe to take notes during the meeting and then publish and distribute that information.
Request community member participation. Post applications for community members to serve on the goal committees/
task forces. These representatives provide a link to the community and can ofer the community’s perspective. Ensure outreach
to underserved populations by being proactive and engaging each group personally, using translators as needed, and with
personal communication. Keep in mind that a variety of tools may be necessary, because some members of the community
may not be digitally savvy or have broadband access.
Use electronic surveys. Various platforms ofer easy-to-use electronic surveys. The best option depends on the target
audience, type of data to be gathered, and ease of administration.
4. Identify Opportunities and Barriers
With respect to goal setting, both opportunities and barriers exist. It is important to be aware of both so that you can better
understand the process and set goals that work for your organization or community.
Opportunities. Setting economic goals provides numerous opportunities. When you measure progress toward meeting
your goals, you stay on track, see your target dates, and experience the excitement of achievement that builds momentum.
In addition, goals:
• Create a roadmap for success. It is dificult to navigate the economic disaster resiliency and recovery journey without
them, because they provide a starting point and a destination;
• Help in determining priorities and staying focused on what is important;
• Keep you accountable. Just like measurability and trackability, accountability is fundamental for goal setting, because
your stakeholders and the community will hold you accountable regardless;
• Enable you to break through mental blocks. Without clearly defining economic goals, daily tasks can feel repetitive or
mundane. Setting goals and staying focused enables you to get past those mental hurdles;
• Play a key role in building support as you involve community members in discussions of what the community really
wants. By engaging with the community, you will discover which goals they believe are important. This will help build
community support; and
• Help align disparate funding proposals and coordinate partners to focus on project planning, thus realizing benefits
through shared eforts.
CALED | Economic Development Recovery and Resiliency Playbook