Economic Development Recovery and Resiliency Playbook - Flipbook - Page 16
Local Economic Development
Activities, 2009
These activities are listed in order of importance, with the
first being most important. (Numbers were added to original
text for clarity.)
28. Technical assistance for small business
Assuring consistency in development rules
Streamlining review of all applications for permits
29. Formal membership in economic
development corporation
Working with private promotional groups
30. Allocating resources/policies to attract “green” business
Improving local amenities
Contacting/networking with businesses
31. Government assembly of land/writing it down for
private purchase
Property site referrals
Joint collaboration with other jurisdictions
Public improvements to declining areas to stimulate
Working with area’s councils of governments
(COGs)/regional governments
10. Participating in state-funded grant programs
11. Formal customer service training for city staf
12. Community Development Block Grant programs
13. Having a single agency to encourage
economic development
32. Working with public schools formally to
improve education
33. Relief from payment of development fees, license,
permits, etc.
34. Subsidy or support for employee training
35. Annexation to provide serviced land for new business
36. Forums with others for venture capital, start-ups,
industry clusters
37. Reducing cost of licenses
38. Low-interest loans to businesses
39. Targeting city procurement to local businesses
14. Formal overall economic development strategy to
guide local policy
40. Federal job training programs
15. Rezoning land for commercial use
42. Financial grants to businesses
16. Promotion of specific industry or activity or cluster
43. Loan packaging targeted for business start-ups
17. Working with local colleges/universities
44. Sales tax rebate to business
18. Creating and implementing the economic development
element in city General Plan
45. Rebates of other non-sales tax to business
19. Local government-assisted advertising/other
public relations
20. Tax increment financing
21. Issuance of bonds to support economic
development projects
22. Ombudsman services for businesses
23. Encouraging industrial parks
24. Joint ventures with other cities to encourage
economic development
25. Permitting higher densities/building heights
26. Subsidizing on- or of-site infrastructure
27. Public acquisition of smaller parcels for resale as
larger parcels
CALED | Economic Development Recovery and Resiliency Playbook
41. Locally operated revolving fund
46. Formal certification of industrial or business parks
47. Lower operating costs by subsidizing utility rates
48. Foreign trade zone in city
49. Military base conversion program