fuels-reduction-guide-2023 - Flipbook - Page 21
Resource Conservation Districts
Resource Conservation Districts combine the accountability and transparency of a public agency with the
flexibility and non-regulatory approach of a non-profit organization. This nimbleness allows them to adapt
to the ever-changing needs of communities, build trusted relationships, and act as the crucial bridge that
connects individuals with state and federal partners and programs. (Excerpted from https://carcd.org/)
Resource Conservation Districts (RCD’s)
were first founded after the Dust Bowl
in the 1930s to bring federal and
state funding and technical assistance
to farmers and ranchers so that they
could voluntarily conserve water, soil,
and wildlife habitat on their land with
the help of a local and neutral partner.
RCD’s are an important partner for
forest health and fire prevention project
planning and implementation with
landowners in communities across the
Grant Programs
Fire Prevention
Fire Prevention
Learn The
Grant Program, aims
to reduce the risk
of wildland fires to
habitable structures and
communities, while maximizing
carbon sequestration in healthy
wildland habitat and minimizing
the uncontrolled release of
emissions emitted by wildfires.
Forest Health
Forest Health
Learn The
Program funds active
restoration and
reforestation activities
aimed at providing for
more resilient and sustained wildlands
while also mitigating climate change,
protecting communities from fire risk,
strengthening rural economies and
improving California’s water & air.