Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2022-27 - Other - Page 92
C9. High-quality visitor experience
Good management for visitors increases capacity while reducing the impact of their visit. This in turn helps
maintain the special qualities people come to enjoy within the National Park, including our local communities.
There is also a need to ensure that the way we manage for visitors is linked in with our work on nature,
especially around disturbance issues and to ensure we meet our climate targets.
There is also a need to ensure that our visitor infrastructure is of high quality and helps us to give every visitor
a great experience of the UK’s largest national park.
Welcome visitors and provide a high-quality experience while
managing their impacts through providing better infrastructure
and high-quality ranger services.
Number of public toilets within the National Park is maintained.
Increased public toilet facilities for people with additional needs.
Number of managed facilities for campervans increases.
Visitor satisfaction levels remain high.
Number of rangers employed within the National Park is stable or increasing.
Develop and implement a new Cairngorms Strategic Tourism
BY 2027
Infrastructure Plan, Active Cairngorms Action Plan and
Tourism Action Plan.
Support the implementation of the Cairngorm Mountain masterplan.
Support a coordinated family of ranger services across the National Park.
Map accessible facilities, so people can identify in advance of their
journey available accessibility support.
(alongside the
Park Authority)
Landowners, NatureScot, Scottish Government, Highlands and Islands
Enterprise, local authorities, Cairngorm Mountain (Scotland) Ltd, NatureScot,
Highland Council, local community, Managing for Visitors Group, rangers