Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2022-27 - Other - Page 82
C2. New housing
In order to provide access to housing for key workers and those on low incomes, new housing will need
to be delivered for these groups in ways that have not been achieved before. There is a need to increase
considerably the amount of housing that is affordable to those living and working in the National Park. There is
also a need to identify housing specifically for holiday lets rather than as part of general housing allocations.
This plan focuses on increasing the amount of affordable housing (in perpetuity) for those that wish to
live and work in the National Park. This is a crucial issue if we wish to see a just and fair transition to a
low carbon economy.
Deliver new housing in the National Park and ensure as much
as possible is secured for key workers and / or to resolve
affordability issues.
By 2030, 75% of new housing is for social rental, mid-market rental or
other affordable categories that provide affordability in perpetuity.
BY 2027
Deliver at least 200 new affordable and mid-market rental homes through
local authority strategic housing investment plans and affordable
housing delivery programmes.
Use the next Local Development Plan to identify further locations
where more than 25% affordable housing is required and bring this up to
75% affordable overall.
Support communities to deliver community-led housing solutions,
including by making the most of powers to buy land and taking a more
proactive role in management where appropriate.
(alongside the
Park Authority)
Local authorities, housing providers, Scottish Government, Communities
Housing Trust, Rural Housing Scotland, development trusts, Scottish Land
and Estates, Cairngorms Business Partnership