Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2022-27 - Other - Page 75
Policy B1
Providing a housing land supply that
Deliver a wellbeing economy in the Cairngorms which
supports young people and workers
strengthens existing business sectors, supports
and maintains vibrant communities.
business start-ups, develops green jobs, supports
Reducing the proportion of vacant and
diversification and the circular economy, and
second homes to support community
maintains the number of workers employed in the
vibrancy, ensuring that new housing
National Park. This will be achieved through:
development best meets local needs.
k) Maximising the proportion of new housing
a) Maintaining the population of the National
development that is affordable in perpetuity,
Park and maintaining or growing the
using short-term let control areas and
proportion of the working-age population.
licensing of short-term let properties to
b) Supporting the diversification of existing
manage the impact of second homes and
land-based businesses and ensuring
short-term lets on the housing market
that the traditional skills of the sector
(and the availability of housing for
are harnessed.
residents and workers).
c) Encouraging growth of business sectors
that draw on the special qualities of the
Policy B2
National Park, such as sustainable tourism,
Support and build the capacity of communities to
ecological restoration and food and drink.
deliver their aspirations, with a particular focus on:
d) Supporting business start-ups and
diversification that delivers circular
economy benefits.
e) Promoting the Real Living Wage for the
Cairngorms National Park.
f) Broadening the economic base of the
a) Supporting communities to plan for their
own futures, develop and implement
projects, engage the support of partners
and share good practice.
b) Encouraging innovative approaches
National Park into sectors such as
to providing affordable housing to meet
the creative industries and renewable
local needs.
energy, making stronger links with higher
and further education.
g) Increasing provision for business land
where there is an identified need and
demand, and supporting the use of
land for small business, particularly
within settlements.
h) Slowing outward migration of young
people, encouraging their return, and
supporting the inward migration of workers
c) Supporting communities and landowners
to work collaboratively on the management
of land for shared benefits.
d) Aligning community planning processes to
simplify support to communities.
e) Engaging communities effectively in the long-
term management of the National Park and
in projects or programmes that affect them.
f) Supporting community and public sector control
of land for development where appropriate.
to the National Park to meet business and
community needs.