Cairngorms National Park Partnership Plan 2022-27 - Other - Page 69
B9. Mental and physical health
As we all know, healthier individuals have an improved quality of life and this in turn helps reduce the demands
on our already stretched public health system. Preventative action at an early stage can have an impact on
long-term public health outcomes, but we need a systemic change in how we address these issues. Through
Heritage Horizons: Cairngorms 2030 we believe the National Park can become a rural exemplar in this area.
Improve the mental and physical health and wellbeing of the
people of the National Park through greater connection with
nature and the outdoors.
There will be green health referral programmes in place in all GP
practices in the National Park.
BY 2027
Review, update and deliver the Active Cairngorms Action Plan.
Extend the health walks programme to every community in the
National Park.
Increase the number of opportunities for green volunteering.
Make greater use of green health directories to support self-led
green health activities.
(alongside the
Park Authority)
Heritage Horizons: Cairngorms 2030 programme (see page 12).
NHS, Paths for All, environmental and other NGOs, local authorities, Sustrans